Bring The Noise

The Noise is the 3rd boss and a playable character in Pizza Tower. He started off as an obvious parody of The Noid of Domino's infamy, who was summoned by a pizza chain called Dominion. He was created to highlight the "noise" other pizza restaurants make by promising what they can't deliver. His purpose was to make Peppino's life hell and destroy the pizza he makes. He was supposed to be the "main" enemy in Pizza Tower, being a reoccurring boss and nuisance throughout the game. He's loud, goofy, silly, immature, hyper, and annoying.

A tiny Noise idling happily

Somewhere along the lines, Noise's design was simplified to make it easier to animate and he became a bit more original (which was a good call in my opinion. It doesn't make sense for him to wear pizza symbols if he hates pizza/is indifferent to it). He's an arrogant TV star with his own station, Noise TV (NTV), and is obsessed with his own image and being perfect. He's not satisfied when you get anything lower than an S rank on a level or 95% overall, getting more pissed off the lower you get (straight up tells you to die if you get a D rank). He loves himself so much, instead of switching out with another character in certain levels, it's just...him again. He only cares to save himself, Noisette, his little robot self, and a bucket when escaping the tower. He doesn't play fair either. In the second phase of his boss fight, he gets more violent with his attacks since he's not on camera. In his campaign, he'll write over the score you need for golf so he always has the high score, beats up the horsey after a race and claims victory no matter what, and so on. He's seething and smoking a cigarette on the 4th floor after his defeat and he chases Peppino with a knife during the ending. So he's a sore loser too. It's implied through old unfinished comics that the wacky, goofy persona he puts on is mostly an act with him somberly drinking tequila shots, smoking cigarettes, and seeming unamused when given chocolate corn on the cob by Noisette. He seems particularly miffed he has to do a commercial in the comic, like he thinks he's too good for it.

The Noise looking discontent and saying 'I can't believe a man like me is being reduced to doing commercials!' The Noise's A rank, where he reluctantly looks towards the screen and says and says 'I'd prefer an S or a P...'

When playing Noise's campaign, the story is that he's making a movie based off Peppino's journey...and taking all the credit for it. I don't think he paid Peppino anything but he at least pays the bosses for acting in the film, as shown in an ending title card. If you play swap mode, it's said he hired Peppino's brother Maurice to act for him. Noise was noted to be Mexican by the creator in a chat on stream. I can't find the screenshot of the message now, but I like to believe it since he does wear a sombero and all in an unfinished comic. Some other fun facts are his mustache is fake. It's attached to his mask. He has short black hair underneath his hat. He loves sweets, and collects them instead of toppings in the demos. He's been referred to officially as a manchild, and that sums him up in one word.

Ending title card of The Noise's campaign. Everyone is near a stage with props scattered about and an NTV camera. The Noise is waving bye to Pepperman and Vigilante. Noisette is sitting and yawning. Maurice stands around with hands on his hips. Fake Peppino is in the back looking confused. Pizzahead is on stage still mourning the loss of his tower. Reference art of The Noise with one note saying 'Vacant stare. How crazy is he? Is he just faking it? Best to think of it that he's like a (man) child'

Also, 'The' is actually short for Theodore. His full name is Theodore Noise. The Noise's full name was originally Theodore J. Noisester. I don't know what the J was supposed to stand for. Maybe Jackass.

Screenshot of a Tumblr post that says 'Imagine being named theodore. so stinky your parents literally called you 'the odor' LMAO'

Noise's relationship with Noisette is confusing to some people for some reason, and I guess it's because the game plays on the old, typical dynamic of 'wife bad.' They are boyfriend and girlfriend, and live together. Noise does love Noisette, but is scared of admitting it and the responsibities of adulthood. They're shown sharing a chicken leg with a heart-shaped steam in concept art. I feel like if Noise reallyyyyy didn't want Noisette around, she'd be gone. Just look at how this dude is. He'd tell anyone he didn't like to fuck off with no hesitation.

The Noise and Noisette happily sharing a drumstick while the steam coming off of it makes a heart. Peppino looks over at them angrily in front of an empty pot on the stove. Discord messages. McPig: Noise secretly loves Noisette but doesn't want to face the responisiblity of adulthood. That's his character arc.

Maybe you're thinking by how I talk about and describe Noise that I hate him. Well, yes. I hate how he lives rent free in my head, but him and his girlfriend moved in and they're not budging.

The Noise has more songs dedicated to him than any character in the series (besides Peppino depending on how you look at it). My two favorites are his boss theme, Pumpin' Hot Stuff (why the suggestive name? I don't know but I'll hold my tongue), and his lap 2 theme, World Wide Noise.

I do have reasons for believing the leaks I've been referencing are real. The Noise Update footage was obviously proven to be legit, but one photo of a doodle with Noise and Peppino has an address of a hotel in Los Angeles on it, which is less than a mile away from where the Game Awards are held at Peacock Theater. The leaks came out at the end of December 2023. Additionally I just want to believe and huff hopium that I'll get to see more of Noise and Noisette one day, perhaps after Woon is finished.

Picture of two hotel notepads side by side. The left has a doodle of Noise sitting down with an insane grin. The left has Peppino wearing a tie and frantically punching at nothing in particular